Monday, 16 May 2016

Term 4 Assessment

Role play set in present day.  Students working online and wonder ‘how did this computer and internet end up in my home (for example)’.  Students look back in time to chart the history of the global trade in goods and ideas. (Critical Thinking)
Accompanying background research is handed in hardcopy as an action plan (Investigating).

1.complete and follow an action plan – your action plan is to plan how you are going to show your understanding of the statement of inquiry and global context - include your research (so you will include your actual research links and your research data in your action plan)
Example of research link: "What You Need to Know about YouTube Videos and Your Child’s Reputation." Ikeepsafeorg RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.

2.consider the many products and services we have today and research the history of trade

3.focus your research on the fact that the history of trade made access to products, ideas and services possible (if no global trade, we will have very limited products, ideas and services)

4. your role play should show you thinking about something you use today and wondering how the events in the history of trade helped to make it possible to have this thing today; where did the idea come from; where do the materials to make the product come from (these are all related to globalizationyour global context - which you will learn more about in G7); how does the thing get from the idea stage through design, build, delivery, sale and to your hands

5. you are not making a product advertisement – you are researching the history of your chosen product – you are researching the history of trade and the process of the global supply chain and using your chosen product as an example

4. choose friends to support you in your role play (include this in your action plan)

5. prepare to present a short 5-10 minute role play that shows your critical thinking about how we have the things we have today because of global trade (include this in your action plan)

6.mention the global context and concepts in your action plan and your role play

7. present your role play clearly and with confidence (you will be assessed only on your role play not the role play you join to support your friends) – this is published on YouTube or a similar website and embedded into your website for the TERM 4 assessement

8. upload the video and set the privacy settings to UNLISTED:
Making a video unlisted means that only people who know the link to the video can view it (such as friends or family to whom you send the link). Unlisted videos do not appear in YouTube search results, your child’s channel, or on the Browse page.
"What You Need to Know about YouTube Videos and Your Child’s Reputation." Ikeepsafeorg RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.

9. embed the video on your website and copy the website link (as a back up)

10. write an overview explaining what the video is about – a written version of the video (no need to provide a script)

11. COME TO ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ANYTHING!! (also see further guidelines below this task sheet)

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